Our Fire Inspector I Courses

Browse the list of courses below, all courses are self-paced online format

Fire Inspector I – Course Package

This Inspector I Series Package includes the three courses: Building Construction for the Fire Service, Fire Prevention Practices, and Private Fire Protection Systems I for a discounted price.

$450.00   $400.00

There are additional courses required to obtain your Fire Inspector I certification. These courses must be taken in-person, and are not offered through the Frontline Fire Training Institute online learning platform.

For more information on how to enroll in the in-person courses, contact the State of Florida Fire College.




There are additional courses required to obtain your Fire Inspector I & II certifications. These courses must be taken in-person, and are not offered through the Frontline Fire Training Institute online learning platform.

For more information on how to enroll in the in-person courses, contact the State of Florida Fire College.