Strategic & Tactical Considerations On The Fireground, (4th Edition), Brady,
ISBN# 13:978-0-13-4444264-8
Firefighting Tactics and Strategies I – ATPC 1810
This course is designed to cover the basic factors involved with managing an emergency scene, and determining the best use of available resources in protecting lives and property. This course will emphasize the evolving nature of emergency situations and the ways in which the fire officer can evaluate the effectiveness of his or her action plan.
Your Course Includes
Step-By-Step Learning Modules
Additional Resources
Instructor Assistance & Access
You will have the ability to access your instructors throughout the course. If you have any questions regarding the course material or need assistance with your coursework submissions, we are more than ready to help!
Frequently asked Questions
How long is the duration of the course?
From the moment you enroll into this course, you will be allotted 60 days to complete the entire course. Feel free to work at your own pace to finish the course, so long as you meet the 60-day deadline and have a final grade of 70%. Here at FFTI, we understand that extenuating circumstances may arise and leniency may be granted depending on the nature of the circumstances that the student is faced with. Just notify the instructor for an extension to complete the course. This is by no means a guarantee that an extension or exception will be made.